Lukas Chandler

Lukas Chandler is the event and operations manager for the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University and a first year M.A. candidate in the Communication, Culture, and Technology program. After studying German and Philosophy as an undergraduate, he aims to pursue a career in clinical bioethics. During his free time, Lukas enjoys exploring new coffee shops, reading philosophy, playing the piano, and practicing yoga.

Fred Ji

After five years in New York, Fred finally decided to start a new chapter of his life to join the Communication, Culture and Technology program at Georgetown University. Back in college he majored in Journalism and minors in Economics, Political Science, and International affairs. Right now his focus is to explore the interaction of mass media and international politics in a global realm. Aside from gallery-hopping and theatre-going with friends in his free time, Fred enjoys a cup of hot cocoa by himself and just reading the day away.

Madhu Kumar

Madhu Kumar is a 21-year old first-year graduate student in the Communication, Culture and Technology department at Georgetown University where she studies policy and philosophy surrounding emerging technologies, specifically Artificial Intelligence. Her side-interest lies in studying human cognition and how the human decision-making process works in order to work towards integrating more brain science into the larger public policy-making process. Kumar received her BS degree in Visual Communication, where she specialized in the psychology and sociology of visual information processing. For play, Madhu likes going to the movies and dancing.

Josh Weiner

Josh Weiner is a first-year MA. candidate in Georgetown’s CCT program. A Washington, DC native, he earned his B.A. in American History at Tufts University in 2014 and worked at a variety of jobs– including a year of teaching ESL in the Paris suburbs– before starting graduate school in Fall 2017. Josh’s favorite sport is basketball, musical genre is hip-hop, and period of history to study is the World Wars era.